Professional Experience

Thrivent Financial

Software Engineer -

Feb 2023 - Present

  • Spearheaded the development of a complex financial application using React.js, HTML + CSS, enhancing user experience and interface functionality; Led Plaid API Integration
  • Integrated existing applications with GraphQL and AWS to facilitate data retrieval, submission, and storage for users
  • Implemented parallelization techniques to optimize test run time and created a CI/CD pipeline with Github Actions to run the full end-to-end test suite on a nightly basis
  • Revamped smoke and E2E regression test suites, reducing E2E run time by 50% and achieving 90% code-coverage using Jest


Senior Software Engineer - QA

April 2022 - Jan 2023

  • Expanded frontend + backend automation infrastructure utilizing Cypress( Javascript & Typescript), Pytest, Kotlin
  • Implemented various automated API + E2E feature tests, refined FE/BE repo to optimize efficiency, reduced manual regression testing by 60%, improved accuracy of our CI/CD pipelines, created test plans for new platform features
  • Utilize Postman to test webhooks, APIs & integrations; expanded testrail suite for payment/signup/login flows

Kasisto, Inc.

Software Engineer

Feb 2021 - April 2022

  • Designed Selenium and Cypress JS tests for the core web application, integrating them into Gitlab and Jenkins (CI/CD pipeline), reducing manual testing by over 10 hours per iteration
  • Conducted comprehensive REST API testing at various endpoints using Postman, Insomnia, and Robot Framework
  • Identified and resolved bugs and defects in the backend intent API services, further enhancing the intent recognition and natural language interpretation systems of AI-powered virtual assistants within client infrastructure